Thursday, March 26, 2009

Sucking me dry.....

Okay so maybe really it's my electricity lol.

So last weekend I heard someone say they splurged and bought those compact florescent lights fo their whole house. They said it was kinda expensive but they last way longer and saved them about $50 bucks a month on their power bill! We had bought some at Costco awhile back and spent a bunch of money. Then Anthony replaced our kitchen lightbulb and I freaked out. This is how it looks....


Anthony and I were at Home Depot in Layton last night and saw a 4pk 60W for $1.85. I had heard that they didn't come in a tungsten color (like yellowish and warm). I was thinking "hmm save some money and help the environment, or keep the nice warm feeling of my home?" Well guess what? I can do both!! We found these!
Soft White light bulbs!!
The clerk says they are about half off right now until probably the end of the month. And this is how the lights look in my living room with regular light bulbs...

and now the soft white florescents....

There is not a huge difference. They are very bright and still have a warm feeling to them. I will be watching to see if it makes a difference in my power bill and even how long they last. I think we will definitely be putting more of them in the house.


Mandi said...

We switched when we moved. Bigger house = 40 less dollars on the electric bill. :)

Bill said...

We switched about a year ago and I love it. We didn't notice a huge difference on our electric bill because we are on the equal payment plan, but I love the lighting much better.

Amber Thompson said...

Hey Billy...just curious do I know you? I couldn't access your blog or profile.

The Teeples Times said...

that's awesome. Let me know what your savings is. We have some like that and some regular, I guess we should look at coverting "all the way".